Today’s Bonus Books!

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Nightmare in Pink

by John D. MacDonald

1,727 5-star reviews! Travis McGee's permanent address is the Busted Flush, Slip F-18, Bahia Mar, Lauderdale, and there isn't a hell of a lot that compels him to leave it. Except maybe a call from an old army buddy who needs a favor. If it wasn't for him, McGee might not be alive. For that kind of friend, Travis McGee will travel almost anywhere, even New York City. Especially when there's a damsel in distress…



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The Circle of Fire: In Afghanistan

by Andrew Anzur Clement

Left behind in the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Jan and Kelly are on their own. The two Western teenagers have managed to break free from their Taliban captors. But now what? The only chance of survival may rest with Farrukh, a Hazara tribesman who offers Jan and Kelly a refuge from the Taliban fighters who now rule the country—if they can reach and free his occupied village in the mountains of central Afghanistan.



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